21 November 2022 | MTA WA News 

The Automotive Institute of Technology paves the way for convenient EV upksilling

The MTA WA’s Automotive Institute of Technology has launched WA’s first online EV course.

Western Australian residents can now easily update their electric vehicle knowledge with a new course launched by Australia’s largest independent registered training organisation specialising in light vehicle qualifications. Participants will learn how to safely depower and reinitialise battery and hybrid electric vehicles at their own pace, entirely online – with the option to take a practical assessment to attain nationally recognised units of competency.
The “Working Safely with Battery and Hybrid Electric Vehicles” course has been developed to prepare automotive professionals, particularly servicers and repairers, for the increasing adoption of electric vehicles amongst motorists and the subsequent rising demand for maintenance and repair work. 

To mitigate the risk of serious injury, it is crucial that automotive professionals ensure they have adequate training before interacting with electric vehicle power sources. “Working Safely with Battery and Hybrid Electric Vehicles” helps bridge the knowledge gap by teaching participants the fundamentals of how to safely work with these high-voltage systems.

The course presents a clean interface, which follows a user-friendly design that will guide the participant through five detailed modules. It is available at a very reasonable price point, ensuring that automotive professionals have the best chance at acquiring the critical knowledge required to equip themselves for the future of the industry.

The MTA WA is pleased to offer its members the opportunity to complete the practical assessment free of charge (normally $100.00). Learn more: Battery and Hybrid Electrical Vehicle Course Info 